Nar shaddaa warehouse code
Nar shaddaa warehouse code

nar shaddaa warehouse code

Come, Last of the Handmaidens - The player was supposed to be the one to kill the Handmaidens and as a result, the Last attacks after killing Atris. Cut since it'd be odd for Atris to conveniently have Sith Robes lying around. White/Black Corruption - Originally, Atris was supposed to be clad in black robes during the final sequences. Probably connected to Jana Lorsos lines about taking over Citadel Station due to Onderons succession from the Republic and because of that, Lorso lies to Citadel Station that the Telosian Council has entered an anti-Republic treaty with Onderon. The PC is supposed to get to the communications station and call for help since the TSF can't do anything else. Czerka takes control - Czerka was to completely take over the modules, threatening the Ithorian herd. Kreia isn't fond of droids either - After the player has witnessed the message from Bastila/Carth, Kreia, during an entry scene, will blast T3 with some force lightning in anger since the PC seemed to have a fondness for the droid.

nar shaddaa warehouse code

Disciples Distress Call - Before traveling to Telos, Disciple calls Atris about the impending attack on Telos. Probably removed since the Goto/Remote destruction scene must be triggered and the player may not find out about Goto being a droid. Presumbly comes before Goto "repairs" the remote himself. Goto threatens Bao-Dur - If the PC knows that Goto is actually G0-T0, then Goto will threaten Bao-Dur that he better take care of the remote before he finds a permanent solution.

Nar shaddaa warehouse code