Messages – view personal messages, reports from spy drones, and battle data. Tap the arrow to adjust the selected ship’s cargo and hangar contents (i.e. Tap the planet image to jump to the Planet Surface View and manage stuff just like in the Planets window. Tap the ship’s image to get a detailed view, assign stat-enhancing artifacts (if desired), tell the ship to avoid combat, etc. Ships – similar to the Planets menu, only it displays all of the carriers you command along with their overall capacities and what planet they’re stationed at.
Tap on the image of the planet to jump straight to the Planet Surface View and manage jobs, see how many resources (Metal, Gas, Crystal) it currently has on-hand, or tap the arrow to go to the Planet View where you can view stats, deliver cargo, relocate fleets, etc.
Planets – tapping this icon will pull up a menu displaying all of the planets you currently control. Don’t Panic! We’re going to start with what you’ll be seeing on almost every screen (planet view, system view, etc.) and work our way in from there. The first thing you’ll probably notice once you start completing tasks is that the Alliances interface has a whole lot of buttons and sub-menus. No worries if it ends up feeling a bit confusing, though, that’s why we’re here.
Alliances is in many ways “just another” town-building sim in space (resource gatherers, troop production facilities, etc.), but there are quite a few nuances you’ll have to become accustomed to.
Speaking of the tutorial, get ready for a sizable one. You’ll receive a random “Player” name automatically, but once you reach a certain point in the tutorial you’ll be able to change it.
I went with the humans because, while they only get a 5% bonus instead of 10% like the other races, it affects everything instead of just one specific area. The biggest difference between them is the natural speed/production cost bonuses each race receives for structures and/or ships.
Go ahead and download Galaxy on Fire – Alliances by using the “Available On” option at the top of this page.