Victory 2 class star destroyer
Victory 2 class star destroyer

victory 2 class star destroyer

A recent shortage and high demand for the starfighters has seen the mothballing of several hangars, or the use of non-combat craft as battle platforms.The main duty of the small number of these Star Destroyers is sector patrol. In combination, these weapons regularly disrupt the usual performance of an enemy ship, leaving it vulnerable to the Victory II's destructive weaponry.Victory II Destroyers are designed with hangar bays large enough for two squadrons of TIE fighters.

victory 2 class star destroyer

In addition to its normal armament, the Victory II is equipped with ion cannons and enhanced tractor beam projectors. While the Victory I is primarily a planetary assault vessel, the Victory II was designed with space combat in mind.The Victory II is fitted with powerful Hoersch-Kessel engines that add significantly to the Destroyer's sublight speed and maneuverability. Yet Rendili StarDrive's Victory II Star Destroyer has made an impact in this age of Imperial- and Super-class Star Destroyers. Skill: Capital ship piloting: Star DestroyerĬrew 5,881, gunners: 226, skeleton: 2,100/+10Ĭrew Skill: Astrogation3D+2, capital ship gunnery 4D+2, capital ship piloting 5D, capital ship shields 4D, sensors 3D+2įire Arc: 5 front, 5 left, 5 right, 5 backįire Arc: 2 front, 3 left, 3 right, 2 backĬapsule: It did not come off the production line until after the Clone Wars had ended, and consequently only a handful ever saw completion. Link D6holocron // wookie // originals manufacturer Kuat Systems EngineeringĬost coming soon. Vehicle starfighter frigate capital space platform superweapon planetary fighter freighter shuttle patrol transport corvette cruiser battleship star destroyer legendīarc stap x-34 xj-2 at-pt at-at at-dp at-st sandcrawler cloakshape hyena n-1 vulture z-95 belbullab tie-fighter toscan v-19 y-wing a-wing b-wing preybird r-41 t-wing tie-bomber tie-defender tie-interceptor x-wing xg-1 dynamic hwk-290 quartermaster wayfarer xs-stock yg-4210 b-7 commuter doomtreader ghtroc-720 ht-2200 yt-1300 yt-1760 yv-666 baudo yt-2000 yt-2400 kappa gamma sentinel cr25 delta lambda zeta gozanti firespray guardian pursuer skipray aa-9 action-6 bff-1 class-4 ferryboat gallofree mobquet y-8 star galleon tanker defender marauder sabaoth cr90 dp20 etti light corvette raider cc-7700 hammerhead lancer ajuur wavecrest carrack nebulon-b nova quasar ton-falk ardent dreadnaught munificent acclamator lictor transport-11 immobilizer bothan harrower centurion kandosii providence sepa-supply imperial-1 victory-1 victory-2 imperial-2 liberator mc80 mc90 aggressor herd executor tycon death star-1 Galactic Republic Rise of the Empire Rebellion New Republic

Victory 2 class star destroyer